Bats symbolise a whole lot in literature and life — from nature to balance, migration to good fortune, community tothe supernatural. Join us, unplugged, at Fairfield Amphitheatre to hear readings that celebrate these motifs and more, while the foxes take flight overhead. A Spring staple, with a literary twist!
NOTE: To respect the local breeding season of the Powerful Owl, we will not be using microphones at this event.
Wheelchair, Service Animal
Fairfield Amphitheatre Accessibility Details:
Fairfield Amphitheatre itself is not fully wheelchair accessible, but there are platforms at the top where wheelchairs can be stationed, and that allow for full views of the performance area. There is an accessible route down to the Amphitheatre from the upper entrance and car park off Heidelberg Road along Fairfield Park Drive and Main Yarra Trail. EWF Staff will be available to assist with wayfinding.
There is an accessible toilet near the car park at the top of Fairfield Park Drive. EWF Staff will be available to assist with wayfinding.
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