Sophie Lane is a Sydney based artist and illustrator working on Gadigal and Wangal land. In taking a fragmented approach to personal narratives, her drawing and painting practice considers the intimate subjectivity of autobiographical storytelling. Landscapes of connection, solitude, mundanity, chronic illness, desire and gendered experience are broken up with visual and anecdotal negative space into which other possible understandings can be imagined. This process of disrupting traditional narrative structures allows the artist to offer up an introspective body of work; the hesitant vulnerability of a story only partially told.
Sophie Lane
Appearing In
Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
A Feather Landing
This digital writing exhibition is an invitation into stillness. Four poets experiment with communicating the wordless, drawing upon language as an imperfect signpost towards the shimmering presence that exists beneath and beyond all things.
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Sunday 8 September, 1:15PM
Like & Subscribe
Marketing yourself is a new, crucial component of getting your work out there. In this micro-workshop, brush up on the basics of existing online as a writer.
Monday 9 September, 12:30PM
Niche Journalism
From interview technique, through to the opening article line, learn about key aspects of the craft for writers working across topics and forms.
Friday 6 September, 4PM
Erasure & the Burning Haibun: Poetry Workshop
The Burning Haibun is a poetic form that burns away at the landscape of memory to find a distilled truth within. By considering erasure in its political context, this workshop will explore the power of the Burning Haibun and what it can reveal.
Thursday 5 September, 7PM
Opening Night: LIB[ERA]TION
To mark the opening EWF24, Guest Curator Mackenzie Lee asks: What does an Era of Liberation look like, and how is writing both a tool and an act of liberation, for the self and the collective?
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