Saanjana Kapoor is a recent Bachelor of Arts graduate from the University of Melbourne. Her writing has been published in Voiceworks, Island, Cordite, Meanjin, and more. She is currently a participant in Express Media’s Toolkits: Fiction, and a recipient of a New Colombo Plan Scholarship by the Australian Government.
Saanjana Kapoor
Appearing In
Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
A Feather Landing
This digital writing exhibition is an invitation into stillness. Four poets experiment with communicating the wordless, drawing upon language as an imperfect signpost towards the shimmering presence that exists beneath and beyond all things.
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Monday 9 September, 12:30PM
Niche Journalism
From interview technique, through to the opening article line, learn about key aspects of the craft for writers working across topics and forms.
Saturday 14 September, 11AM
Verse in Code: Creating Digital Poetry
Experience the creative potential of e-literature via this digital poetry workshop. You’ll be guided through real-time HTML, CSS and JavaScript edits—no previous experience required.
Wednesday 11 September, 8PM
What’s Your Deal?
Perfection is overrated, so settle in for a night of comedic catharsis all about embracing one’s faults, flaws, and weird special interests that no one else understands
Sunday 8 September, 2:15PM
Editing Unveiled
In reality, most writing is really editing – and few can do it alone! Hear from book and journal editors, publishers, and literary industry experts about the editor-writer relationship, the purpose and ethics of editing, and everything that goes into revising your writing with rigour.
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