Rachel Schenberg is an artist and writer based on Gadigal land. She frequently collaborates with Jordi Infeld on time-based poetry projects. Their book of middle-of-the-night writing, ‘Certainly (certainly)’, was published last year by no more poetry, and they are currently working on a collection of poems written over the course of 24 hours.
Rachel Schenberg
Appearing In
Saturday 14 September, 4PM
Journal Crawl
You’ve heard of, and likely have ventured on a pub crawl, but how about a lit mag crawl? EWF presents our first ever journal crawl.
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Thursday 5 September, 6:30PM AWST
Centre for Stories: Dreams / Reality
Speculative fiction meets creative non-fiction in this night of readings at Centre for Stories. Witness writers as they trace the threshold between dreams and reality.
Friday 13 September, 5:30PM
Flight of the Bats
Join us, unplugged, at Fairfield Amphitheatre to hear readings that celebrate these motifs and more, while the foxes take flight overhead. A Spring staple, with a literary twist!
Friday 6 September, 6:30PM
Chapter One: Unblocking Creativity
The first of four Chapters, this workshop is all about establishing a writing practice.
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