Munira Tabassum Ahmed is a 19-year-old writer. Her work has been published in Frontier, Best of Australian Poems, Meanjin, Liminal, Red Room Poetry, and elsewhere. She was the 2022 Kat Muscat Fellow, 2024 WestWords Accelerator Recipient, and is currently working on her first novel.
Appearing In

Friday 6 September, 4PM
Erasure & the Burning Haibun: Poetry Workshop
The Burning Haibun is a poetic form that burns away at the landscape of memory to find a distilled truth within. By considering erasure in its political context, this workshop will explore the power of the Burning Haibun and what it can reveal.
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Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
A Feather Landing
This digital writing exhibition is an invitation into stillness. Four poets experiment with communicating the wordless, drawing upon language as an imperfect signpost towards the shimmering presence that exists beneath and beyond all things.

Monday 9 September, 10AM
Masterclass: Arts Writing
Arts journalism is many writers’ first foray into publication. However, in 2024, there are increasingly fewer avenues to access exciting, thorough, and diverse writing about music, film, theatre, food, and more.

Tuesday 10 September, 8:30AM
Morning Pages: Embodied Writing
Start the morning with an intuitive walk around Melbourne followed by a writing session. Walking can allow the mind to process information and shake new ideas loose. Likewise, exploration and observation of built and natural environments can inspire thought and help us create new connections for our writing.

Sunday 8 September, 11AM
Beyond the Mainstream
Learn what is involved in self-publishing, the pros and cons of working with a publisher, and what to expect on the road less travelled.
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