Munira Tabassum Ahmed is a 19-year-old writer. Her work has been published in Frontier, Best of Australian Poems, Meanjin, Liminal, Red Room Poetry, and elsewhere. She was the 2022 Kat Muscat Fellow, 2024 WestWords Accelerator Recipient, and is currently working on her first novel.
Appearing In

Friday 6 September, 4PM
Erasure & the Burning Haibun: Poetry Workshop
The Burning Haibun is a poetic form that burns away at the landscape of memory to find a distilled truth within. By considering erasure in its political context, this workshop will explore the power of the Burning Haibun and what it can reveal.
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Sunday 15 September, 7PM
Closing Night: BANQUET
Gather beneath stained glass for the final event of EWF24: an etheral spring banquet.

Sunday 8 September, 4:15PM
Richell Prize Showcase
We can’t believe it’s already been ten years since the Richell Prize began. To mark this milestone, we’re holding a showcase with our friends at Hachette, celebrating the stellar alumni of the past and anticipating the incredible writers to come.

Thursday 12 September, 6:30PM
Writers’ Salon: Invoking Eros
Join poet, artist and somatic facilitator Shannon May Powell in exploring how pleasure and desire can unfurl on the page to enhance your storytelling.

Thursday 12 September, 11AM
Daily Devotions
Hear how these multi-disciplinarians harness daily habits and routines that flow into their artistic practice. Gain a fresh mindset, and uncover fun, practical techniques to ignite your own creative process.
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