Karlie Alinta Noon is an astronomer, science communicator and award winning author from the Kamilaroi Nation. Karlie uses her extensive experience in science communication and media to advocate for the importance of Indigenous stewerdship in astronomy and space practices.
Appearing In

Friday 13 September, 7PM
EWF X Gammin Guild
Tune into the next chapter of the Gammin Guild’s live roleplaying story as part of EWF24 .
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Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
Fanfiction: Beyond the Canon
Combining case studies of fanfiction writers turned best-selling authors, publishing ecosystems across the world, and what fanfiction means to fans, these writers discuss how these thriving communities of writers and readers provide a space for emerging writers to practice and gain feedback.

Friday 13 September, 12:30PM
LUNCH/BREAK: Flash Fiction
Inject some spontaneity into your lunch break and try your hand at this deceptively tricky, but ultimately thrilling form. With a series of short prompts to get you going, this session is for everyone; from those that naturally gravitate to bite-sized writing, to curious newcomers.

Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
A Feather Landing
This digital writing exhibition is an invitation into stillness. Four poets experiment with communicating the wordless, drawing upon language as an imperfect signpost towards the shimmering presence that exists beneath and beyond all things.

Thursday 12 September, 10AM
Keynote: Ritual & Risk
Hear from writer, artist and producer Madison Griffiths about how she integrates risk, ritual and passion into her creative practice, to make for a fulfilling and sustainable career in the arts.
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