Connor Phipps (they/them) is studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Creative Writing at UNSW Sydney. Their interests include short story form, narrative theory and postcolonial literature. They are passionate about storytelling, particularly those we tell ourselves and each other about who we are.
Connor Phipps
Appearing In
Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
Fanfiction: Beyond the Canon
Combining case studies of fanfiction writers turned best-selling authors, publishing ecosystems across the world, and what fanfiction means to fans, these writers discuss how these thriving communities of writers and readers provide a space for emerging writers to practice and gain feedback.
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Friday 13 September
Morning Pages: Sweaty Palms, Fear in Fiction
What does it feel like to face fear on the page? From embodying emotion, to revisiting the stuff of nightmares, these writers discuss what fear is, and how it can propel one’s writing.
Sunday 8 September, 1:15PM
Like & Subscribe
Marketing yourself is a new, crucial component of getting your work out there. In this micro-workshop, brush up on the basics of existing online as a writer.
Saturday 7 September, 11:00AM
Pitch Perfect
Find out the must-haves for delivering a great pitch and the pitfalls to avoid. This session will provide the guidance of a publishing industry leader to help whip your pitch into perfect shape.
Saturday 7 September, 2:15PM
Research & Archive Use
Hear how these research virtuosos go about archive fossicking. Learn tips on how to keep track and organise your research, and questions to ask yourself throughout your investigations.
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