Harry Steedman is an aspiring cinematographer currently looking for experience in the Film and TV industry. Harry is extremely eager to further develop skills and practice through a variety roles in the industry. Harry graduated with a Bachelor of Film and Television from JMC Academy in 2022, has a great attention to detail, flexibility and is willing to put in the hours to get the job done.
Harry Steedman
Appearing In
Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
Frames to Fiction
Build an entire narrative around a single frame or a fragment of a screenplay. New prompts will be shared regularly on our Discord channel, inviting you to connect with fellow writers and fuel your creative fire.
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Monday 9 September, 6:30PM
Writers’ Salon: Poetic Resistance
Join poet, writer, and educator Hasib Hourani for an evening of poetry, and its power to preserve culture, provoke change, and speak truth to power.
Sunday 8 September, 4:15PM
Richell Prize Showcase
We can’t believe it’s already been ten years since the Richell Prize began. To mark this milestone, we’re holding a showcase with our friends at Hachette, celebrating the stellar alumni of the past and anticipating the incredible writers to come.
Saturday 14 September, 4PM
Journal Crawl
You’ve heard of, and likely have ventured on a pub crawl, but how about a lit mag crawl? EWF presents our first ever journal crawl.
Monday 9 September, 12:30PM
Niche Journalism
From interview technique, through to the opening article line, learn about key aspects of the craft for writers working across topics and forms.
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