William Huang (he/him) is a writer and musician currently living in Naarm/Melbourne. He has interned for Portside Review, participated in Express Media Toolkits and has participated in the NGA’s Digital Young Writers’ Residency. William is interested in the avant-garde communities of days gone past, as well as critical theories and the emergence of new forms of utopian ideals. He is also interested in minority languages, as well as language learning more broadly.
William Huang
Appearing In
Wednesday 11 September
Digital Surrealisms
Is the world becoming unreal, or hyper-real? Sink into this series of audio surrealist works, from artists concerned with the obsolescence of memory, AI, and the relationship between creativity, and being chronically online.
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Friday 13 September, 7PM
EWF X Gammin Guild
Tune into the next chapter of the Gammin Guild’s live roleplaying story as part of EWF24 .
Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
Fanfiction: Beyond the Canon
Combining case studies of fanfiction writers turned best-selling authors, publishing ecosystems across the world, and what fanfiction means to fans, these writers discuss how these thriving communities of writers and readers provide a space for emerging writers to practice and gain feedback.
Thursday 12 September
On Slowness
Led by writer Tiia Kelly, this workshop will suggest ways to apply slowness as a framework for thinking about your work, the writing process, and the wider industry.
Friday 6 September, 6:30PM
What does it mean to write in honour of the dead? Who is elegy for, and what are the ethical considerations and implications of such writing?
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