Darcy Hytt is a palawa storyteller and arts worker living on Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country. They explore relationality, futurity, power, and knowledge within contexts of queerness, disability justice, and Blak liberation.
Darcy Hytt
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Tuesday 10 September, 12:30PM
LUNCH/BREAK: Fresh Eyes with EWF
Writing is often viewed as a solitary act, but a fresh set of eyes on your work can make a world of difference. Bring along a work-in-progress piece and join us for a hands-on workshop session.
Wednesday 11 September, 6:30PM
Coming of Age in the Wild West
What does it mean to write the place you have lived? How do you harness the streets you have walked, and reflect back the people around you with care and consideration? In this special discussion event, these western suburbs writers come together to talk about the place, and the responsibility of writing it.
Friday 13 September, 8PM
Scream Scenes
Dress up in your phantasmic finest for an evening of spine-tingling tales, from writers and ghouls alike.
Wednesday 11 September, 8PM
What’s Your Deal?
Perfection is overrated, so settle in for a night of comedic catharsis all about embracing one’s faults, flaws, and weird special interests that no one else understands
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