Rimas Uzgiris is a Lithuanian/American poet and translator. His work has appeared in Barrow Street, Hudson Review, Rattle, Poetry Daily, The Poetry Review and elsewhere, and was twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize. He is the author of North of Paradise, and Tarp [Between] (poems translated into Lithuanian, shortlisted for best poetry book of the year), translator of eight poetry collections from Lithuanian, including Caravan Lullabies by Ilzė Butkutė (A Midsummer Night’s Press), Then What by Gintaras Grajauskas (Bloodaxe), Now I Understand by Marius Burokas (Parthian), The Moon is a Pill by Aušra Kaziliūnaitė (Parthian), Vagabond Sun by Judita Vaičiūnaitė (Shearsman), and Voices of Spring by Maironis (Maironis Museum), as well as the Venice Biennale Golden Lion winning opera Sun and Sea. He was educated at UCSD, UW-Madison, Rutgers-Newark, with a Ph.D. in philosophy and an MFA in creative writing. Recipient of a Fulbright Scholar Grant, a NEA Translation Fellowship, he teaches at Vilnius University in the Departent of Translation Studies and the Department of English Philology.
Appearing In

Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
20 Minute Cities
Take a literary tour around the world, with the help of the UNESCO Cities of Literature network! Join emerging writers from Heidelberg, Jakarta, Kozhikode, Krakow, Ljubljana, Nottingham, Quebec City, Reykjavik, Tukums, Vilnius and Wroclaw as they walk you through their city, introducing you to local writers and pointing out what makes their City of Literature great.
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Saturday 14 September, 4PM
Journal Crawl
You’ve heard of, and likely have ventured on a pub crawl, but how about a lit mag crawl? EWF presents our first ever journal crawl.

Friday 6 September, 4PM
Erasure & the Burning Haibun: Poetry Workshop
The Burning Haibun is a poetic form that burns away at the landscape of memory to find a distilled truth within. By considering erasure in its political context, this workshop will explore the power of the Burning Haibun and what it can reveal.

Thursday 12 September
Nocturnal: Earthshattering
Words and sounds are the mediums we turn to, to channel these transformative events. Join us Melbourne Museum to hear stories and tributes to experiences that rooted these artists to the earth or led them to transcend it.

Thursday 12 September
On Slowness
Led by writer Tiia Kelly, this workshop will suggest ways to apply slowness as a framework for thinking about your work, the writing process, and the wider industry.
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