Mega Anindyawati is a writer from Sidoarjo, East Java. Mega completed her studies at Airlangga University. She is emerging writer of Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (UWRF) 2024. Her writings have been featured in Jawa Pos,, Radar Mojokerto, Harian Bhirawa, and others. Some of her books that have been published include Sabar Menanti Buah Hati (2019), Sepotong Kenangan dan Senja yang Memakannya (2021), Unconditional Marriage (2022), Manusia Setengah Udang Memakannya (2022), Miracles of Love (2022), Cepet Ndhelik! (2023), and others.
Appearing In

Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
UWRF & EWF: In-Conversation
Join a cross-continental in-conversation reflecting on the evolving role of storytelling in a global context. Witness this exchange of ideas and dreams, as each writer enquires into the other’s diverse creative practice.
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Monday 9 September
Next Big Thing
Celebrate new works and fresh writing talent in this special EWF24 edition of The Wheeler Centre’s much-loved Next Big Thing readings series.

Saturday 7 September, 2PM
Texting Images: BLINDSIDE & EWF Ekphrastic Readings
BLINDSIDE & EWF present the Ekphrastic Writing Program. This initiative invites four emerging writers to produce an ekphrastic response to an exhibition from Blindside ARI’s 20-year exhibition archive, culminating in a night of celebratory readings, where writers will share the works created, in front of the very artworks they have responded to.

Thursday 12 September
On Slowness
Led by writer Tiia Kelly, this workshop will suggest ways to apply slowness as a framework for thinking about your work, the writing process, and the wider industry.

Saturday 14 September, 11AM
Prose Pals
Come along to this literary speed-friending session for an opportunity to meet other emerging writers who identify as queer or gender diverse.
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