Lychee Lui is a writer, editor, and occasional award-winning interviewer who works in Sydney. Their work has appeared in Tharunka, Blitz, Newsworthy, and Plinky Plonky. They currently coordinate UNSWeetened, a student literary journal, at UNSW.
Lychee Lui
Appearing In
Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
Fanfiction: Beyond the Canon
Combining case studies of fanfiction writers turned best-selling authors, publishing ecosystems across the world, and what fanfiction means to fans, these writers discuss how these thriving communities of writers and readers provide a space for emerging writers to practice and gain feedback.
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Wednesday 11 September, 6:30PM
Writers’ Salon: Writing to the edge of reality
In this intimate evening workshop, surrealist writer Raeden Richardson will traverse writing that defies easy categorisation to help you develop a new vocabulary for writing to the edge of reality.
Saturday 7 September, 11:00AM
Pitch Perfect
Find out the must-haves for delivering a great pitch and the pitfalls to avoid. This session will provide the guidance of a publishing industry leader to help whip your pitch into perfect shape.
Wednesday 11 September, 6:30PM
Coming of Age in the Wild West
What does it mean to write the place you have lived? How do you harness the streets you have walked, and reflect back the people around you with care and consideration? In this special discussion event, these western suburbs writers come together to talk about the place, and the responsibility of writing it.
Saturday 7 September, 4:15PM
Changing Pace: Words Beyond the City
Launch into travel and experiential-based storytelling with three of EWF’s favourite emerging, regional-based writers. Discover what life beyond the city brings to their practices, and how attending writers’ festivals is shaping their careers.
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