Kurnia Gusti Sawiji, hailing from Bojong Nangka, Tangerang, Banten, describes himself as a writer, teacher and perpetual learner. He spends his time writing novels, short stories, formulas, teaching modules, exam questions, and many other things. Some of his essays and short stories have found their way into both print and online platforms such as Mojok, Suara Merdeka, and Kompas. His novel Tanah Seberang was published by Buku Mojok in 2018, and his short stories collection Dongeng Pengantar Kiamat was published by Unsa Press in 2022. Currently, he is an active member of a literary community called Prosatujuh.
Kurnia Gusti Sawiji
Appearing In
Thursday 5 September – Sunday 15 September
Wall of Echo
Four artists from UWRF and EWF appear in this transcontinental literary sound board. Investigating UWRF’s “powers within humans” (live, speak, think), these writers are called upon to artistically represent their connection to such powers.
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Friday 6 September, 8PM
Do You Think I’m Sexy?
From sensual dreams, to awkward encounters, fan fiction to personal fantasies, this night will be a veritable feast of words and wonder.
Wednesday 11 September
Digital Surrealisms
Is the world becoming unreal, or hyper-real? Sink into this series of audio surrealist works, from artists concerned with the obsolescence of memory, AI, and the relationship between creativity, and being chronically online.
Thursday 5 September, 7PM
Opening Night: LIB[ERA]TION
To mark the opening EWF24, Guest Curator Mackenzie Lee asks: What does an Era of Liberation look like, and how is writing both a tool and an act of liberation, for the self and the collective?
Wednesday 11 September, 8:30AM
Morning Pages: No Typewriters / No Talking
Indulge in one hour of shared sustained silence, in a simple ritual to concentrate on the thing we want to do — but so often find many reasons not to — write.
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