Dorcas Maphakela is a multidisciplinary creative combining writing, visual arts and holistic well-being advocacy in her practice. She is a South African-born Mopedi woman. She studied Fine Arts at the University of Johannesburg and holds a Master of Arts in Writing from Swinburne University of Technology. Dorcas is also a TV presenter, public speaker and founder and producer of the Antenna Award-winning OZ AFRICAN TV (OATV). She is the co-founder of Yo CiTY, a platform that champions the culturally diverse experience through Art & music. Her work was acknowledged with a Media Award from the Victorian Multicultural Commission.
Dorcas Maphakela
Appearing In
Saturday 7 September, 2PM
Texting Images: BLINDSIDE & EWF Ekphrastic Readings
BLINDSIDE & EWF present the Ekphrastic Writing Program. This initiative invites four emerging writers to produce an ekphrastic response to an exhibition from Blindside ARI’s 20-year exhibition archive, culminating in a night of celebratory readings, where writers will share the works created, in front of the very artworks they have responded to.
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Friday 13 September
Morning Pages: Sweaty Palms, Fear in Fiction
What does it feel like to face fear on the page? From embodying emotion, to revisiting the stuff of nightmares, these writers discuss what fear is, and how it can propel one’s writing.
Thursday 12 September
On Slowness
Led by writer Tiia Kelly, this workshop will suggest ways to apply slowness as a framework for thinking about your work, the writing process, and the wider industry.
Saturday 14 September, 11AM
Prose Pals
Come along to this literary speed-friending session for an opportunity to meet other emerging writers who identify as queer or gender diverse.
Saturday 7 September, 1:15pm
Editing Essentials
Enjoy a mini workshop to inject some hands-on energy into the day. Take a stab at finessing your own work with the guidance of a seasoned editor.
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